All Applicants should be required to pay their Application Fees and Dues Per Section 92(a) of the General Consitution.
If the applicant is a former member that went suspended and dropped in accordance with Sections 116 and 117 of the General Constitution. Accordingly, the former member is responsible for back dues, assessments, fines, and other indebtedness he or she may owe at the time of suspension unless the payment of back dues and assessments has been waived by the Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer.
It is recommended that the District Council have a policy that is applied consistently with respect to the waiver and or charging of back dues.
Once the policy has been set by the BM/ST and a previously dropped member applies and back dues are charged it should be processed in IMSe as follows:
Some Councils, per Section 117(b) of the General Consitution, state Members that Drop and Re-Initiate should also pay X amount of months in “back dues”.
When entering these records into IMSe, staff should be setting the Application Date to the same month as the starting point of Back Dues Payment per Section 92(b) of the General Consitution which states the dues shall be charged in full for the month of Application.
Based on Section 92(b) of the General Constitution stating that Dues shall be paid for the month of Application because dues are being back charged, the Application Date should match the first month of application of dues.
Making this change in data entry of IMSe will create charges for all months the Local is receiving dues money. This will also clean up the Dues Collection Process as currently, users are setting the members Paid Through Date to several months before the Application Date, which could cause questions during auditing.
If this adjusted Application Date overlaps the last Drop Date of the Member, rather than having the member fill out a new Member Application, the member should pay their Reinstatement Fee and all Back Dues to continue their Membership before the previous drop. See also How to Reinstate a Member.