Regular Member Dues $40/M
PTD: 5/31/2016 ATD: 6/30/2016 Dues Balance: -$40
Member is transferred to Life-P Membership ($8/M)
IMSe knows the members Balance was $40 which in the Regular Member Dues Profile was 1 month, but now in the Life-P Profile that calculates to 5 months. IMSe is going to move the Members PTD to 1/31/2016 leaving the balance at -$40.
An Admin Balance Correction will fix this members record once they are transferred to Life Membership.
Dues should be paid based on how Per Capita was Charged. This means that whatever Member Class the Member was at the end of the Month, that is the Class the Member should be charged dues at.
If a Member is paying dues in arrears at one rate, then into the future at another rate in one check or money order:
- Make a partial payment to get the member caught up through the month before the Activity Change.
- Process the Activity Change through Membership
- Go back to Dues Payments – Post the Final amount now at the new Dues Rate
This process does create two receipts for one transaction, however, the ending PTD/Balance will be correct and will save you from having to do an Admin Balance Correction after the payment.
If the member had a Positive Balance or paid in advance at the time of the Class Transfer, IMSe will not adjust the PTD/Balance. You should review the Member History and adjust accordingly. Especially when the member transfers from Regular to Life.