- Click the Search button.
- You will now see the Member Search pop-up window.
- Enter your Search criteria (e.g. Member ID, Local Union, Trade, etc).
- Go to the Select Fields.
- Click the arrow if it is pointing to the right.
- Click the arrow if it is pointing to the right.
- There are six “Quick Select” field buttons with a multitude of columns below them.
- The Member Fields button is first and the default.
- Several boxes are automatically checked under the Membership subheader for all Fields buttons. However, you may uncheck if needed.
- Several boxes are automatically checked under the Membership subheader for all Fields buttons. However, you may uncheck if needed.
- The Member Fields button is first and the default.
- You may Click the other Field buttons (Demographic, Dues, Certification, Officer & Staff Fields) for other options.
- Demographic Fields button checks most of the boxes under the Demographic subheader.
- Dues Fields button checks all the boxes under the Dues subheader but also checks all the boxes under Employer.
- Certification Fields button checks all the boxes under LMS Certifications.
- Officer Fields button checks several boxes under Officer & Officer Address subheaders.
- Staff Fields button does the same as Officer, but for under the Staff and Staff Address subheaders.
- Click the Reset button in the Select Fields box to revert back to the default settings.
Please be aware, in some cases where a Member would have multiple values for a Search Field, that member will have two or more rows in the Search Results List.